On my way back to the Hotel, I decided to play it rock and roll, and take a collectivo en Limà. I asked 3 millions times Miraflores where I stayed, to the people who are dealing with the client, and end up in one of the most dangerous suburb of Lima: Flores. The lady who told me to get in the bus did not understood what I said !!! What a fool I made of myself. I took luckily a taxi back to the city center at sunset. Safe and happy :)
After my trip to the suburb of Lima, I decided to treat myself an watch in engles, The Da Vinci Code. What a bad story, but the movie theater was empty, big screen and large seat. I know why now, because the most important business in Peru is the DVD copy. EVERY street has the latest copy of EVERYTHING, including all the bollywood movies. All the kids are dancing and singing, even if they don´t understand it.
Finally, I finished after a day of transport, to Pisco. This is a small city close to the sea and the desert of Paracas. Not much to see except few shops and a Plaza del Arma. Funny like each city has its own Plaza de Arma. The next day I took a boat tour to watch some interesting animals (I am not talking about the tourist here). I watched some Sea Lions, Pelicanos, Flamingos, Cormorans and Pinguins, Yes Pinguins, Special ones in their summer clothes. It´s quite impressive to watch thousands and thousands of Cormorans fishing. They all strat in wave in dive in the ocean at almost the same time attacking the same anchoi. I call that a war !
The next thing was a sort of a trek (700 meters) to the cliff named La Catedral. Was cool to see what the coast is like till the end of Chile: desert diving in the ocean. I was very tiny in this ocean of colours. Went back to the hotel after a filet de pescado in the local fisherman village.
Spakling moments
- Watching kids for the black community show their putting together later on the week. Beats and Pieces of music with some dance around. Stopped by few minutes untill they find out and asked me politly to leave the place.
- Election is comming, next sunday. I spend the return of the boat trip having a crash course on the history of the Peruvian election with the guide. The question that Peruvian are facing is the following: Or the most corrup man of the last 30 years, worse than Fuyimori. Or a crazy military person supported by Hugo Chavez (one of his familiy member shoot 4 persons few month ago, and it was filmed).