Opera House, Sydney
It sounds hypocritical but it is not. In reality nothing has changed. Sydney is still a great place to live in, on this planet. Who could refuse such a gorgeous spot, with a languid life style, beaches and natural swimming pool on every corner street, and a decent food and music scene. Not to mention the most (de)lightful NYE fire works I ever seen in my life. Since my last trip way back then, many things happened: an Olympic Game, renovations, gentrifications, new harbor, and a new central district.

St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney
In fact the city has improved even more than what I could have imagined. The economic boom of the last decade seems to have benefited the city and its horde of neo “Bobo”. Poverty has been pushed away from the city, and the famous red light district have tainted pale in the colored rainbow.

St. John's Church in Darlinghurst, Sydney
More international and local tourists are embracing the many attractive attractions that the city has to offer, despite the horrible price hikes. Sydney has now moved to a different scale. The city is now in the same category as other interesting destinations in the world such as Amsterdam, Montreal, Buenos Aires and Singapore.

Manly Beach, Sydney
Old trendy places have moved to new spots. Corky and funky restaurants have emerged from residential neighborhoods. Free shuttle buses run for tourists to enjoy the best parts of the city. Everything seems to look even better, cleaner and simpler than before. Sydney is a great place on the planet. Nothing changed except for the better.

Surfer at Mackenzies Bay, Sydney
What has changed in reality is … me. I wish I had chosen to live there 15 years ago to learn to surf and rock ‘n’ roll, so that today I would have been happy to leave from Sydney ... to explore the world.