The city of Huanchaco is 12 km away from Trujillo, and is main surf spot as well. But what was interesting was the way fisher man do they job. They use the same boat as the Moche use to. It´s a long strange thing called
Caballito de Totora and is made in Tortora. Don´t ask me what it is I have no clue. But it is really solid and very efficient in the local big waves.

At 6PM at sunset, all of them go out in the bay fishing for the restaurant. You can not say there that the fish is not fresh. You probably order your plate, see the guy going away, and then see him cathcing it. It ws quite interesting to see how they move over the waves. The funning thing was that at the same time we had a surfing lessons for some loud German on the side. They were not that good at standing up on the long board. But our local surf boat went trhough like a knife in a moutain of mantequilla.