I am surended by shoeshine boys, spanish and some Cumbia music everywhere. Glad to be back "home".
I left anyway Rio sad and promise myself to learn Brazilieno for the next time to be able to speak at least a little bit with locals. That was really painfull and frustating as well to move around and not be fully understand what is going on, but at the same time, this is some sort of intensive training for the next exotic places I fully intend to go and where I don´t speak the language of.
So back on the road, and fell like going back to something familiar: some 3000 meters high, polution and some difficulty to breath after 2 days. I like it though, and I did my regular past time in Andinos Cuidades, go to the main plaza (Plaza de la Indepencia in this particular case) and spend the entire afternoon looking around, reading a book, taking pictures or chatting with people. This time, I spend few hours conversing with a gran-dad Ecuatorian Troskiste. This is quite really funny to see the Latine America through the eyes of a post-revolutionary in a pre-capitaliste world. That reminds me of all the Luchas por la Libertad de la Humanidad that was there in the time not so far away. Che was capture in Bolivia afterall.

The old town is as colonial as the new town is colonized. Few buildings in here and there helps you to justify a stop over, but the main attraction here is the Galapagos Islands trip. This is why people come to Quito and Ecuador. You can book a week tour on a boat to see whatever exist on the planet that can swim for around $1000 to $2000. This is way out of my traveller budget, but I will concider it as soon as I work again. Seems to be amazing from all the smiles and stories that tourists have in the backpacker ghetto (new town).
I spend then, my days hunting for music and try to stay out of trouble in the city. And you can have some here. I was talking to some guy on the street when I heard a very loud noise. It was in fact 2 guys doing some steel-skateboarding with no wheel, on a back of a pick-up. Go figure Jack !
I am off South, and will spend the next 2 weeks to do the 1324 kilometers that I need to do from my schedule.
I quit Quito !
Receipe of the day.
I met some Ozzies, and they told me a very inspiring receipe.
Take a watermelon, make a small hole on top, poor slowly one bottle of vodka in it, and put back the natural cork you just made, where it was. Wait overnight in the fridge, and start your day with it, if you can :)