Let me explain why.
Geylang is one of the 5 or 6 DRAs (Designated Red-light Area) in Singapore, probably the most internationally known second after Orchard Towers. But the only Red thing I saw there was the dragon fruit at the corner shop in the main Geylang Road.
Ok, you do have some very large houses in which tainted windows are the norms. But I guess it’s because people from there do not want to be bother by the sun during the day.
OK you do have a lot of cheap hotel in the back alleys. But I guess it’s because the area is very well know among travelers and immigrants who can not afford an expensive “home”, even so on hourly basis.
OK you do have a lot of manual activities in the back alleys. But I guess it’s because the manufacturing automation re-engineering process did not reach yet this away from the center road.
OK you do have a lot of spiritual places with many redemption signs on the front door. But I guess it’s because people from there are more spiritual and a bit more focus on the end of the world that the rest of us.
OK you do have a lot of local cheap and very good restaurants open 24-7. But I guess it’s because people from there are very appreciative about good food and want to be able to eat at anytime of the day or night.
OK you do have a lot of men playing with their fingers. But I guess it’s because people from there are very into Chinese Chess and old men want to play all the time.
I guess I have to visit Geylang during the night …because during the day time Geylang is one of the 5 or 6 DDAs (Designated Dead district Area) in Singapore.